White-nose Syndrome News of 2016: The good, the bad, the ugly
Its Bat Week 2016. 10 years have passed since a fungal disease called white-nose syndrome was discovered. The disease has killed over 6 million bats in North America and some species are now endangered. White-nose syndrome is often called the most critical threat to wildlife today. Let’s review some of the top white-nose syndrome news stories from the last year. The good, the bad and the ugly.
The good
- Newfoundland is still considered white-nose syndrome (WNS)-free
- Large bat maternity colonies were found in Nova Scotia
- 34 bats tested in BC all came back negative for WNS
- Artificially heated bat boxes could help improve reproductive success of bats surviving WNS
- Hibernation sites with endangered species of bats were found in Alberta
The bad
- WNS reached the west coast, it was found in Washington earlier this year
- WNS confirmed in Wisconsin, and on Rhode Island
- The fungus causing WNS confirmed in Oklahoma
And the ugly
Did you know the CWHC has a new pamphlet on WNS. Download it now!
Submitted by Jordi Segers, CWHC White-nose Syndrome Program Coordinator