Welcome Dr. Nemeth!
The CCWHC Ontario/Nunavut region is very pleased to introduce our newest associate member, Dr. Nicole Nemeth, a wildlife/zoo pathologist who joined the department of Pathobiology at the University of Guelph as an assistant professor in July. Nicole has a broad range of interests and expertise related to wildlife health and will be involved in all aspects of the CCWHC activities, including research, teaching, and diagnostics. In addition to her work with free-ranging wildlife, Nicole will be working with Dr. Dale Smith on diagnostic cases submitted by the Toronto Zoo.
Please see http://atguelph.uoguelph.ca/2013/11/profs-interest-in-birds-takes-flight/ to view Nicole’s complete profile in the University of Guelph’s online news site At Guelph.
great to see new people interested in Wildlife !
we Veterinarians are very much at the forefront when it comes to demonstrating the effects of our (human) activity on the equilibrium in Nature