NSFAH decision to promote non-lead ammunition
The Nova Scotia Federation of Anglers and Hunters (NSFAH) has decided to encourage hunters to switch to non-lead ammunition. They also plan to launch an informative campaign to outline the potential risk factors associated with using lead ammunition. This is a voluntary decision for each hunter to make, but the hope is that with the NSFAH taking the lead and helping to spread information, that more people will begin using non-lead ammunition.
The impetus for this motion was a presentation made by Dr. Helene Van Doninck at the Federation’s AGM in March. Helene has been invited since then to make presentations to several member clubs, including Halifax Wildlife. Her presentation is not anti hunting, her goal is not to eliminate, or even reduce hunting, it is to eliminate lead from hunting.
Lead is known to cause a significant amount of mortality in wild birds, especially in avian predators and scavengers which feed on carcasses which have been shot with lead ammunition.