Bat Monday / Lundi des Chauve-souris 23 January 2017

This is your weekly Bat Monday, brought to you by the national white-nose syndrome coordinator. Bat Monday compiles the latest on bat and white-nose syndrome related news articles, scientific publications, videos, and other resources.
The content below is provided in its original language.

Voici votre lundi des chauve-souris hebdomadaire, une courtoisie du coordinateur national du Syndrome du museau blanc. Le lundi des chauve-souris compile les informations les plus récentes sur les chauve-souris et le syndrome du museau blanc, telles que nouvelles, articles, publications scientifiques, vidéos, et autres ressources.
Le contenu suivant est disponible dans sa langue originale.

1. Publication: Ecological Potential for Rabies Virus Transmission via Scavenging of Dead Bats by Mesocarnivores
2. Publication: Effects of wind energy generation and white-nose syndrome on the viability of the Indiana bat
3. Article: A Deadly Double Punch: Together, Turbines and Disease Jeopardize Endangered Bats
4. Article: Decline in bats means more insects in northeast Ohio this year
5. Article: Fungus-infecting virus could help track white-nose syndrome in bats
6. Article: Area bird lovers can try their hand at making houses for bluebirds and bats
7. Article: New study aims to increase bat population at the Pine Bush
8. Article: Northern long-eared bats discovered at Palmetto Bluff
9. Article: Rabies in Perspective
10. Save the date: WNS Annual Workshop – May 23-25, 2017, Nashville, TN (Tentative)
11. 2017 Bat Echolocation Symposium

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