Monthly Archive: November 2013

Room for wildlife and their worms? 2

Room for wildlife and their worms?

Article by Dr. Emily Jenkins, veterinarian and Associate Professor, Veterinary Public Health, University of Saskatchewan Am I the worst thing that could happen to wildlife?  I am a veterinarian – sworn to protect animal health...

EHD detected in White-tailed Deer in Alberta 0

EHD detected in White-tailed Deer in Alberta

 Epizootic haemorrhagic disease (EHD) virus was identified in a white-tailed deer found dead in southern Alberta south of Foremost ~30km north of the U.S. border on September 16, 2013.  At least 50 other deer and three antelope were found dead in...

What’s in the coyote’s ears? 0

What’s in the coyote’s ears?

Jill Girgulis, a student from Bishop Carroll High School, Calgary tried to answer this question when she took on a 6 weeks research project in Dr. Susan Kutz’s wildlife parasitology laboratory at the University...